What’s In a Trust Fund?

Whether you are creating a trust fund or benefiting from one, it’s important to understand the details.

Setting up a trust for the future is an effective method to manage the way your wealth is shared, and, sometimes more importantly, when it’s shared. You’re able to set up a trust to pass down money, stock, real estate, or other assets to family, friends, or even charitable causes. The assets you’re choosing to pass along will be executed by a trustee, of your choosing, who will oversee your wishes. As for the type of trust, there are a myriad of options to choose from, and your attorney/financial advisory team will have plenty of information for you. With each type of trust, you’re able to designate the age the beneficiary must be when the assets are released, or set up a payment schedule that distributes an established amount every year.

On the opposite end of the trust spectrum, what does it mean to be the beneficiary of a trust fund? It can be emotional, or overwhelming, and you’ll likely need some time to process your position with this newly acquired wealth. Now’s the time to plan and decide how you’d like to use this money to better your life. Perhaps you need to sit down with a financial planner to understand the terms and conditions of the trust fund. Consider this new asset as a gift; it’ll be something that can help provide relief and comfort in your life. Depending on the amount of money you will receive, this may change your life in numerous ways. The best decision will be to think clearly about the options and paths that lay before you.

If you’ve done your homework, given your circumstances some thought, and/or reached out to a professional for advice – you’re on the right track to dealing with your trust fund and enriching your life.