TWC’s Steve Henningsen on The Crux

J. Clark, Senior Precious Metals Analyst at Casey Research, published What Some of the World’s Top Money Managers Really Think About Gold for In this edition of a piece written for Big Gold, Clark shares insights from fund managers, among them Steve Henningsen, TWC’s chief investment strategist.

In the article, Steve touches on the problems of increasing debt and the deflationary winds picking up in 2015. He’s keeping a keen eye on the massive accumulation of gold and silver bullion by other nations, and while doubtful that gold will do much in the first half of 2015, he is confident that it will regain its luster. Steve remains grounded in the position that precious metal equities represent the best value, even given their volatility.

Read more on Steve’s thoughts, and the opinions of fund managers James Rickards, Chris Martenson, Grant Williams, and Brent Johnson.

Read the full article here.