The Realities of an Inheritance: Whom to Trust

Yesterday we covered the topic of hostile envy. Today we will navigate learning how to trust as a new inheritor.

Wealth creators and those who run successful businesses often get asked for loans, donations, sponsorships, etc. They, however, have honed their discernment skills through experience. As wealth creators, they have learned who they can and cannot trust, befriend, and love, through trial and error, failing and building from nothing. Had they not, they would have never achieved their hard-earned success. It’s a wealth creator’s keen ability to judge others that has enabled them to rise to their position.

Inheritors are not so lucky. They don’t have the luxury of learning those skills when the stakes are lower. They transition from “no stakes” relationships to “high stakes” relationships the instant they inherit. Fortunately, TWC has many years of experience guiding clients to develop discernment skills.