The Realities of an Inheritance: Isolation

After discussing loss yesterday, today we will cover another heavy anxiety some inheritors come to face: isolation.

Disconnected financial resources (in other words, there is no connection between the source of money and an action by the inheritor) often results in a disconnection of community.  More and more studies show the importance of positive relationships within your community and their impact on mental health, sleep quality, hormone production, and longevity. Inheritors, however, seem to naturally disengage from community because they lack a reason to connect. They miss out on water-cooler conversations (they don’t have traditional 9-5 jobs) and other social connections. Their houses are gated. Their guard is up. They learn to be suspicious of others’ motives. They are alone. Hence the term, “golden handcuffs.”

One of our clients just accepted a part-time position in the food service industry. It pays $19/hour, a meaningless amount to them. Of course, for our client it’s not about the money. She is overjoyed about being relied on, having to show up, having co-workers, about belonging to a team with a clearly defined purpose.