The Benefits of Deep Breathing Exercises

Take a deep breath. And another, and another, and another, and another. The easiest part about this exercise is that everyone can do it! While breathing is something that we take for granted, it’s important to remember that doing it incorrectly can lead to a variety of problems: rapid heartbeats, low blood oxygen levels, dizziness. Considering that breathing is free and effortless, taking the time to focus on doing it correctly and consciously is worthwhile.

So, how does diaphragmatic (aka “belly”) breathing help us in our day-to-day life? Belly breathing is when we take deep breaths to fill the body with oxygen from the chest to – you guessed it – the belly. Deep breathing aids in both physical and mental health by alleviating stress, improving confidence, helping blood circulate throughout the body, and eliminating toxins.

Here are some of the benefits of deep breathing, done just ten minutes every day:


Breathing is a tool used by our body to release toxins from our system. When we inhale and exhale deeply, we’re allowing the body to release carbon dioxide along with many toxins taken in from the air, water, food, or bacterial sources. By breathing deeply, the body is able to purify its system and release ‘stale air.’

Stress Reduction

Did you know that shallow breathing has been linked to stress and anxiety? Medical research over the years has shown that shallow breathing is typical during fight-or-flight mode – aka highly stressful situations. By not reaping the benefits of deeper breathing, we’re leaving ourselves more vulnerable for anxiety or panic attacks. By becoming aware of our breathing, we allow our bodies to fill with oxygen, which releases tension and normalizes our heartbeats, bringing calm and relief.

Increased Energy

With proper breathing techniques, more air is drawn into our lungs and therefore our blood flow increases. Improving oxygenation of the blood correlates with a better metabolism, increased energy, and revitalized organs, all of which play a role in the way our body allocates our energy sources and properly breaks down molecules.

Improved Digestion

As we know, when the body receives more blood, the organs begin to work more effectively – including our digestive system. By improving oxygenation, our system becomes detoxified and energized, which leads to improvement with digestion and our appetite.

Regulated Weight

Deep breathing can help those who wish to put on or take off weight. If you’re underweight, deep breathing will supply the tissues and cells of the body with more oxygen, allowing them to grow stronger. If you are overweight, the deep breathing helps burn extra fat by supplying the oxygen necessary for processes to break down fat for energy. An interesting tidbit: when you’re shallow breathing too often, the body will burn glycogen rather than fat, for a fuel source.

Improved Mood

Deep breathing can help improve your mood by elevating the production of neurochemicals in the brain, leading to an increase in pleasure and happiness. These feelings of happiness and relaxation feed into an increased level of dopamine.

Improved Heart Health

You’ve most likely experienced this one without fully understanding what was happening. When you begin to take deep breaths, you’ll realize that your heart rate begins to drop to a normal pace. The lungs have become stronger, and by promoting oxygenation of the blood, it reduces the load on the heart and brings that rate down.

If you’d like to read more about the potential benefits of deep breathing, please visit Skiin.