iPhone Apps to Test Your Hearing and Vision

There are many forms of wealth: financial, spiritual, social, intellectual, to name a few. None of these forms of wealth, however, can be fully enjoyed without the wealth that is your health. In the age of Telehealth digital doctor visits, meditation podcasts, and at-home viral testing kits, it’s no surprise that the general population is increasingly turning to the App Store for their health and wellness needs. If you’re curious to test how your hearing and vision rank right now, try out these applications available for download in the App Store or Google Play!


In 2017, the American Academy of Ophthalmology published an article detailing how several eye health screening apps may signal the need for a more comprehensive eye exam. Ophthalmologists recommend such apps be used between visits to the eye doctor, or in place of in-person visits if such visits may pose a risk to public health. The most highly recommended apps available for iPhone or Android users are Eye Patient, MaculaTester, and RetinaRisk.

MaculaTester for iPhone or Android uses an interactive Amsler Grid to help users check for macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy. It sends notification reminders for you to screen your vision at regular intervals and even has the option to save your test results over time so you can share them with your ophthalmologist. This app costs $2.99 to download.

Eye Patient for iPhone or Android was developed by three ophthalmologists and uses a variety of vision testing tools to screen for dry eye, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, color blindness, and more. This app is free to download.

Finally, RetinaRisk for iPhone or Android, developed by an ophthalmologist and an endocrinologist, helps screen for diabetic retinopathy while also offering lifestyle guidance on how to lower your chances of developing eye diseases. The app offers disease risk tracking and community support. While it’s free to download, this app will cost you $19.99 per year to unlock all of its features.


Hearing loss is sometimes less obvious than loss of vision, but it is just as vital to recognize. In recent years, a growing body of scientific evidence has indicated a direct correlation between hearing loss and a decline in thinking and memory. Scientists have found that significant hearing loss may eventually lead to dementia. Currently, there are few approved hearing test applications available for download.

hearWHO for iPhone or Android was developed by the World Health Organization and is based on scientifically validated digits-in-noise technology. The application screens and monitors hearing over time and keeps track of users’ data to share with physicians. This application is free to download.

Mimi Hearing App for iPhone or Android integrates smoothly with Apple’s HealthKit to ensure your vital statistics are stored securely in the Cloud. This free application is capable of administering a Pure Tone Threshold (PTT) test, and Masked Threshold (MT) test to measure various aspects of hearing ability. PTT detects the lowest intensity sound picked up in a silent environment, while MT measures the quietest level of a pure tone a user can perceive in the presence of a specific frequency.

The information contained in this article is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. TWC does not endorse or make any representation about the appropriateness or suitability of any specific tests or products. Always seek advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding your health and medical condition.