Generous & Anonymous

Genevieve considered herself lucky because she could get along with everyone, and because she could live anonymously in the rural mountain town where no one had ever heard of her grandfather, a famous wealth creator from Mexico. She is middle-aged and never married, and she is a high-school civics teacher. She uses a local P.O. Box for her mail, lest anyone find out her real address, which would be a telling sign of her significant wealth. She’d rather die than be exposed as “rich” or even “comfortable.” Genevieve is on the board of a local non-profit for pregnant teens. It provides education and counseling for expecting teens. Their last fundraiser didn’t go very well and the organization was about to go under. They needed $25,000 and they needed it fast! With help from TWC, Genevieve anonymously made the contribution. She would have been mortified if anyone knew who saved the organization, so we helped her remain anonymous, in part by donating a little more than the exact amount needed. At the next board meeting, the board discussed how they could acknowledge the angel donor. They all agreed that a thank-you note should be written and sent, via TWC, to the mystery benefactor. Unanimously, the board agreed the best board member to write the thank-you card should be – you guessed it – Genevieve! It was absolutely perfect! Genevieve had the opportunity to honor herself for the first time. She was prolific and gracious. All the others on the board signed it. TWC happily forwarded it to Genevieve’s P.O. Box. Ahhhh!
