Book Review: “Elon Musk” by Walter Isaacson

Review by Myra Salzer

My latest book report covers Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson, who previously authored biographies on Steve Jobs, Leonardo da Vinci, and Ben Franklin. Isaacson followed Musk for a couple of years while crafting this book, capturing the extraordinary essence of Musk’s character.

Despite the similarities with Sam Bankman-Fried highlighted in my review of “Going Infinite,” such as their brilliance, social awkwardness, passion for video games, and a shared desire to improve the world, their divergent upbringings add intriguing layers to the comparison.

While Bankman-Fried hails from a privileged Palo Alto background, Musk faced a challenging family history in South Africa. Yet, both individuals, despite their differences, share an unwavering commitment to making a positive impact. Musk’s intense focus on securing humanity’s future on Earth and Mars, despite his less-than-likeable persona, garnered my increased respect after delving into the 700-page narrative. His willingness to embrace mistakes and take risks, even becoming uneasy when avoiding them, sets him apart. Critics often target Musk. I know individuals who avoid purchasing Tesla cars and Power Walls due to their reluctance to support him, akin to how Amazon boycotters respond to criticisms of Bezos. I do not fully grasp adopting such a stance, but I refrain from passing judgment. Musk’s lifestyle may be unconventional, yet one cannot become the wealthiest person in the world by adhering strictly to convention. Yes, having 11 children by three women and maintaining positive relationships with all of them is unusual. Despite concurrently overseeing six significant companies, only one of his children has overtly rejected him. Based on my observations, it seems like a commendable approach to parenting. Isaacson skillfully paints a portrait of Musk’s superhuman dedication, making it clear that most of us could not keep pace with him for even a week. Despite the lengthy read, I highly recommend this book. I was saddened only by how quickly I finished it.