2023 TWC Volunteer Day

This summer, The Wealth Conservancy was fortunate to spend time offering our help and support to the City of Boulder’s Open Space and Mountain Parks Department (OSMP). We spent the day volunteering as a team in our local community, taking part in a project that will bring greater trail connectivity to access opportunities for public land use. It’s become somewhat of a tradition for TWC to dedicate a day to volunteering our time and services to organizations that bring great resources and value to the community of Boulder and beyond. In August, we helped build part of the new (and not yet completed) North Sky Trail, a 3.5-mile trail located in North Boulder that’s anticipated to be open for public use sometime in 2024 and will be biker and hiker friendly! It was a hot day spent working with tools, digging in the dirt, moving rocks… all the hard work that goes into building trails. It was an amazing experience to help build part of a trail that will be utilized by so many in our community, as well as outdoor enthusiasts near and far.

Here at TWC, we are very fortunate to enjoy the beauty of Boulder’s great outdoors every day and feel grateful that we were able to participate. If you’re local to the Boulder area and would like to volunteer yourself, you can contact Anna Daves, City of Boulder’s Trail Crew Lead, and learn more about the North Sky Trail project through their website, which has many resourceful items and projects going on in the Boulder Community.

Look for opportunities closer to home to spend a day of service volunteering for a cause that resonates with you. There are so many organizations that welcome and appreciate volunteers. You’ll come away from the experience fulfilled and grateful to have made a positive impact within our community!

Pictured: Myra and husband Vince (forefront in the white and black hats) can be seen giving it their all as they remove boulders from the site. In the distance, are Eva, Karen, Steve, Kemper (our prior intern who joined us for the day), and Melissa. Heidi was busy moving her daughter into her first year of dorm life at college.